Hip Replacement Specialist Paarl
About Joint Clinic Paarl
… in good hands with us
The Philosophy of our practice:
Our goal is to deliver the highest standard of orthopaedic care and personal attention to each and every patient seeking our help. We will do our best to help you by diagnosing and treating your medical problem as effective as possible. Our success in helping our patients reach their goals is what attracts people from all walks of life to our clinic in Paarl. If you are uncertain about your diagnosis or procedure, please check with us and we will help you to better understand your medical condition and care.
Being an orthopaedic surgeon, Dr Daan Botes is highly qualified and experienced to detect and treat all types of damage to the muscular skeletal system, such as the joints, muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments. After arriving at a diagnosis Dr Botes will usually suggest surgery after less-invasive treatment options have been exhausted or eliminated. Dr Botes concentrates on reconstructive surgery especially knee replacement and hip replacement. Patients might need the care and attention of an orthopaedic surgeon for fractures, sprains, sport injuries and more.
Our Team

Dr. Daan Botes

Elza Botes

Michelle van der Mescht
Our extended team of office workers and therapists
- Karin Potgieter
- Pierre van Zyl
Pre-admission clinic
- Marie Koen
- Paarl Anaesthetic Associates
After Care Facility
Occupational Therapy
- Marne Schaefer
- Elbeth Ackerman
Nursing Navigator
- Johline Genis
- Dr. R Honeth
- Dr. W Stilwaney
- Dr. C Franklin
Surgical Assistant
- Dr Jurie Prins
I would like to compliment you and your whole team on your professional care during and after my recent knee replacement operation. Your holistic approach was really patient-centric, warm, and caring.
We met Daan in December 2013, when our then four-year-old son suffered a horrific accident of putting his right hand into an electric fan. Daan not only performed unbelievable surgery on his hand (involving crushed bones, cut tendons and a rotational skin graft) but looked after us all so well – way beyond what was required medically.
Our son regained full use of his hand because of Daan’s professional, dedicated and talented care.
We’ve just consulted with him again, when our son once again broke one of his fingers and again Daan went way above what was expected. He takes such time and care with his patients – a truly holistic healer. We are so grateful to Daan and cannot recommend him highly enough.
Ek ken vir Dr Daan Botes sedert 1997 toe hy ‘n regter heupvervanging op my gedoen het. Sederdien het hy al 12 ander operasies op my gedoen. Onder andere beide knieevervangings, linker heupvervanging, beide skouer vervangings en ook voet operasies. Nie een van die gewrigte wat vervang is gee probleme nie en is pynloos.
Ek en dokter ken mekaar al lank en ons het ‘n goeie verhouding oor die jare opgebou. Sy ontvangsdames was oor die jare baie behulpsaam en ondersteunend.
Ek was 38 jaar oud toe ek in 1997, 23 jaar gelede, ‘n linker totale knievervanging gehad het, gedoen deur Dr Daan Botes in Mediclinic Paarl. Dit was nadat ek vorige beserings gehad het en reeds 6 ander operasies op die knie gehad het.
Ek het voortgegaan met ‘n aktiewe lewe en het na die operasie nog perdgery en bulry rodeo gedoen op Malmesbury se skoue. Ek het steeds volle funksie en het aangehou boer tot 3 jaar gelede en baie in die sandduine gestap, motorfiets en quadbike gery. My knie is steeds soos ‘n normale knie met geen pyn, abnormale geluide of swelling nie. Daarna het Dr Botes ook 4 ander operasies op ander areas van my liggaam gedoen.
Dr. Daan Botes replaced, first my right hip in April 2016, then the left hip in may 2017. It felt like a new lease on life till this day.
I am still active on the farm as well as practicing my hobby as a glider pilot flying most weekends from Worcester.
To have met the team of Dr. Daan was and is for me the highlight of my mature years: a total sense of confidence and trust.