Knee replacement specialist
About Dr Daan Botes
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Knee replacement specialist
Dr Daan Botes, a hip and knee replacement specialist, has run the Joint Clinic Paarl, an orthopaedic surgery and arthroplasty practice at Mediclinic hospital, Paarl since 1990 (30+ years). Dr Botes specialises in Osteoarthritis of the hip joint, knee joint, shoulder joint and other joints, performing joint replacement surgery on a daily basis.
Dr Botes has travelled extensively to academic institutions and congresses in South Africa and overseas and have gained valuable experience by assisting at arthroplasty operations in America, England, Wales, France, Scotland, Austria, Spain, Zimbabwe, Egypt, Belgium, Germany, Italy and Switzerland. (13 Countries).

Dr. Daan Botes

Dr Daan Botes, a hip and knee replacement specialist, has run the Joint Clinic Paarl, an orthopaedic surgery and arthroplasty practice at Mediclinic hospital, Paarl since 1990 (30+ years). Dr Botes specialises in Osteoarthritis of the hip joint, knee joint, shoulder joint and other joints, performing joint replacement surgery on a daily basis.
Dr Botes has travelled extensively to academic institutions and congresses in South Africa and overseas and has gained valuable experience by assisting at arthroplasty operations in America, England, Wales, France, Scotland, Austria, Spain, Zimbabwe, Egypt, Belgium, Germany, Italy and Switzerland. (13 Countries).

- B Sc (1975) Univ. of the Free State
- M B Ch B (1980) Univ. of the Free State
- M Med ORTH (1989) Univ. of Stellenbosch
- Dr Botes stayed on at Tygerberg Hospital (1990) as an Arthroplasty Fellow / Consultant
- National Noristan Academic Merit Award, final year MB Ch B , 1980
- The SA Hand Surgery Society registrars prize on flexor tendon surgery, 1987
- The Smith & Nephew Registrars Orthopaedic Travelling Fellowship, 1989
- The Univ of Stellenbosch, final year Orthopaedic Registrars prize, 1989
- Paarl State Hospital, orthopaedic and arthroplasty consultant, 1991 2012
- Mediclinic Paarl Hospital, orthopaedic specialist, 1991-2020 (30 years)
Medical Councils
- The Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA)
- General Medical Council of Britain (GMC)
- South African Orthopaedic Association (SAOA)
- Medical Association of South Africa (MASA)
- South African Arthroplasty Society (SAAS)
- South African Knee Society (SAKS)
- South African Shoulder and Elbow Society (SASES)
- South African Hand Society (SAHS)
- South African Spine Society (SASS
- Winelands Orthopaedic society (WOS)
- Spesnet PTY (Ltd)
- South African Sub-acute Hospital Association (SAHASA)
- The AO Alumni association (ASIF)
- The International society of Arthroscopy, Knee surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS)
- The American Academy of Orthopaedic surgeons (AAOS)
Dr Botes did research projects on:
- Mosquitoes
- Penguins
- Snakebite
- Antenatal clinic diseases
- Morphology of disc diseases
- Flexor Tendon Injuries
- Crush injuries of muscles
- Avascular necrosis of the hip
- Computer assisted knee replacements
- Computer assisted hip replacements
- Robotic knee replacements
Dr Botes performed more than 600 computer assisted knee replacements between 2007 – 2018 in Mediclinic Paarl using the Orthopilot computer supplied by Aesculap (German).
Dr Botes performed a clinical trial using the Navio Robotic knee replacement system in Mediclinic Paarl.
Dr Botes rendered the following advanced arthroplasty services at Mediclinic Paarl for the last 30 years:
- High volume arthroplasty service > 100 cases/year last 5 years
- Complex revision Knee replacements
- Complex revision hip replacements
- Custom patient specific 3-D acetabular reconstruction
- Patient specific knee replacement
- Proximal femur replacement
- Distal femur replacement
- Osteochondral allograft transplantation
- Minimal invasive hip and knee replacements
- Anterior approach hip replacements
- Fast track arthroplasty services
- Care expert (MC)/ICPS program
- Electronic / digital outcomes measurements (Amplitude)
- Electronic medical records – Practice Perfect programme
- Patient education group sessions
- S + N, Registrars travelling fellow, 6 weeks travel to all medical universities within South Africa.
- Academic tour to Britain and the USA : February – April 1990.
- Univ. of Colorado, School of Medicine, Denver, USA. attended a course in hip and knee surgery
- Los Angeles: Prof D Dall, Dr Joel Matta, Prof H Amstutz
- Phoenix: Dr Tony Hedley
- Baltimore: Prof David Hungerford, Prof Ken Krakow
- Indanapolis: Dr R Birnie, Dr William Capello, Prof Merril Ritter
- Dayton: Prof Pompe van Meerderfoort
- Chicago: Dr R Birnie, Visited the AAOS head office
- New york: Visited medical institutions
- New Jersey: Visited the Howmedica Head factory
- Santa Barbara: Dr Stuart Hutchinson
- London: Visited medical institutions
- Oswestry: Assisted with arthroplasty operations
- Oxford: Assisted Prof J Goodfellow with UNI knee replacements
- Traveled to Egypt to attend the AO Advanced course in Cairo April 25-30 1992 and also visited local hospitals and surgeons.
- Visited France June 1993 for 10 days attending operations in 3 different hospitals around Paris.
- Visited Britain, Germany and Switzerland attending the European Spinal Deformities Society Congress in Birmingham England. Visited surgeons and hospitals in Germany, Munich and Switzerland Zurich and Lucerne during June 1994 attending operations.
- Visited Switzerland May 1995 attending courses and workshops in Bern and Interlaken on the theoretical basis and practical principles of hip and knee joints.
- Visited the USA in 1995 attending the 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic surgeons, February in Orlando, Florida. Also visited Washington, Miami, New York and Chicago.
- Visited the USA February 1997 attending the 64th Annual meeting of the AAOS February 13-17 in San Francisco. Also visited Los Angeles to attend the Du Puy Cementless Hip course 18.02.97. Spent time in Santa Barbara and New York.
- Visited Dusseldorf, Germany attending the Medica Expo 14-24 September 1998.
- Visited Scotland to attend a hip and knee outcomes meeting, Glen Eagles Hotel 1-4 September 2000.
- Attended the advanced course in shoulder arthroscopy Edinburgh, Scotland 2-3 November 2002
- Visited the USA February 2001 attending the 68th annual meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons in San Francisco
- Visited Dr J Babe in Vigo Spain to gain experience in knee replacement surgery. May 2002.
- Exeter Hip Symposium – Princess Elizabeth Orthopaedic Centre Exeter, UK ~ May 2004
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons-72nd Annual Meeting- Washington, DC , USA, 23-27 February 2005
- Wright Medical Hip Resurfacing course-Oxford England, 9-10 May 2005
- Hip resurfacing course – Ghent, Belgium, 13 Sept 2006.
Visited surgeons in: - Brugge (Luc Van den Berghe) and Ghent (Marc Goossens & Coen de Smet)
- Visited Ospedale Santa Corona, Pietra Ligure, Italy on 6-7 March 2007 Attended hip and knee arthroplasty operations by Prof P Spotorno, Dr L Grappiolo, and Dr Andrea Camera.
- Attended Symposium in The Schulltess Clinic in Zurich, Switzerland on 8-9 March 2007 Topic: Knee Arthritis in the young adult. Moderator: Prof Ers Munzinger.
- Visited the Aesculapium, the Benchmark and instrument factory of B Braun in Tuttlingen, Germany on 24-25 April 2007 and performed arthroplasty, osteomy and ACL surgery on plastic bones with computer guidance.
- Attended the Aesculap knee expert training 2007 course at the Anatomical Institute, Vienna Austria, on 26 + 27 April 2007 where the 10 years clinical experience with the Orthopilot Navigation system was discussed. Performed TKA operations on fresh cadavers with the Orthopilot Navigation system.
- Attended ISAKOS meeting in Florance Italy, 25 May-1June 2007
- Attended Hip navigation Expert course, Leipzig Germany, 9-10 February 2008.
- Attended Biomet Hip resurfacing course, Vienna, Austria, 10-11 July 2008
- American Accademy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS – 77th Annual Congress, New Orleans, USA, 9-13 March 2010.
- American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons, 13 March 2010.
- Aesculap Orthopaedic, Expertise in Orthopaedic navigation, Hamburg, Germany, 7-8 October 2010.
- ISAKOS meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 15 – 19 May 2011.
- Visited Harare Zimbabwe, perform 2 THR and 2 TKR operations in the Avenues Clinic, 28- 31 August 2011. Also gave lectures about Prevention of infection and supervision in hospitals.
- Spent one week during 26-30 November 2012 in the Endo-Klinik, Hamburg Germany as a guest of Prof Thorsten Gerhrke. Assisted with 14 primary and revision hip and knee replacements.
- Spent one week during 19 – 23 November 2012 in the AKh Krankenhaus hospital in Linz Austria as a guest of Prof M Bohler. Assisted with a variety of hip end knee arthroplasty operations.
- CCJR , (Current concepts in Joint replacement), Orlando Florida December 13 – 15 2012.
- Visited Budapest, Hungary in 29August – 7 September 2013, visited Semmelweis Medical School and Medical Museum.
- AAOS congress (American Acadamy of Orthopaedic surgeons),11 – 15 March 2014 New Orleans USA.
- ICJR (International Congress of Joint Replacement) 14-17 April 2015 in Paris, France.
- Berlin, Germany 20-24 April 2015 visited Charite hospital medical school and Medical Museum.
- ICJR World Arthroplasty Congress, April 2017, Rome, Italy
- AAOS Congress, March 2019, Las Vegas, USA
- R2R Smith & Nephew International Experts Summit, 10-12 October 2019, Istanbul, Turkey
Papers / Lectures
- Snake bite antiserum : origin and preparation, Bloemfontein, 1977
- The incidence of positive sifilis testing in an antenatal clinic, Bloemfontein, 1979
- The treatment of flexor tendon injuries at Tygerberg Hospital Annual Congress of the SA Society for Surgery of the Hand, Bloemfontein, September 1988
- MRI in avascular necrosis in the hip, SAOA Congress, Sept. 1989, Pretoria
- Pre-operative Mapping of the lumbar spine – 3rd Congress South African Spinal Society, Port Elizabeth – 26 May 2001
- Blood conservation techniques, Paarl – 29 April 2002
- -5 October 2016 Orthopaedics Dept, Registrars Tygerberg Hospital
- -24 November 2016 Orthopaedic consultants meeting in Port Elizabeth
- -25 November 2016 Orthopaedic consultants meeting East London
- -23 June 2017 Orthopaedic registrars and consultants meeting, Medical School Univ of Umtata
- -07 July 2017 Orthopaedic Dept Registrars, Grootte Schuur Hospital Cape Town
- -05 November 2017 Osteotomy of the femoral neck, B Braun Meeting, Cape Town
- Process optimization at objectivity in navigated total knee replacement , SAOA, Drakensberg 2009
- Accuracy of navigated hip Arthroplasty, SAAS, Sun City 2009
Klemp P, Halland AM, Loxton A, De Klerk A, Botes D. Nuclear magnetic Resonance in the Early diagnosis of avascular necrosis of the hip in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Br J Rheumatology, 1993, 32:972-976
Poster display
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in avascular necrosis of the hip Annual Congress of the SA Orthopaedic Association, September 1988, Bloemfontein.
- The use of physical 3-D models in complex orthopaedic problems SAOA congress Sept 2009 , Cape Town,
Dr. Daan Botes has run the Joint Clinic Paarl, an orthopaedic surgery and arthroplasty practice at Mediclinic hospital, Paarl since 1990 (30 years). Dr Botes has travelled extensively in South Africa and overseas and have gained valuable experience by assisting at arthroplasty operations in America, England, Wales, France, Scotland, Austria, Spain, Zimbabwe, Egypt, Belgium, Germany, Italy and Switzerland. (13 Countries)
Growing up on a farm and farming with snakes and lizards it was a natural calling for Dr Botes to enroll for a B. Sc degree after school. He completed his degree at the Univ. of the Free State in 1975 with Zoology, Physiology, Biochemistry and Microbiology as main subjects. During his time there he was involved in various research projects.
Dr Botes followed in the footsteps of his father to become a medical doctor and did his medical studies at the Univ. of the Free State (1976- 1980). He was a provincial and Inter-university wrestler. He served on the Inter departmental Academic Committee of the university and was the chairman of the Univ. mountain club in 1977. Dr Botes was a member of the University and the Bloemfontein camera clubs for 8 years and is still a enthusiastic photographer. He was active in the medico-political arena, was elected and served as the president of the South African Medical student Association during his fifth year of medical studies (1979).
Dr. Botes did four stints of student holiday work as a operator at the ISCOR Steel plant in Pretoria-West and then did holiday work as a registered wool sorter on farms in Mpumalanga for four years. He worked long hours 5am – 8pm daily on 10-12 different farms per season. In later years Dr Botes worked in mission hospitals during University vacations gaining valuable experience in the medical field at a young age.
Dr. Botes did his Intern year in Kimberley hospital during 1981. After 18 months in Kimberley, first as a Intern for 12 months and then 6 months as a medical officer in the Orthopaedic department he did 2 years of compulsory army service. Dr Botes and his wife who is a nursing sister spend 18 months in the Caprivi area in Namibia where they lived amongst about six thousand SAN people attending to their health needs. Valuable life lessons was learned during this time.
Dr Botes spent 6 years in Tygerberg hospital, 5 of them as a orthopaedic registrar. During this time he conducted various research projects and won prizes for his achievements. He qualified as a orthopaedic surgeon and received the prize as the best final year orthopaedic candidate in 1989. He stayed on as a consultant at the Tygerberg arthroplasty unit for a year and then entered private practice in the new Medi City (later Mediclinic) hospital in Paarl. Dr Botes managed orthopaedic clinics in Namakwaland (Springbok and Nababeep) for 25 years and wrote a book “MEDIESE GESEGDES” about his experiences there. The book is available for purchase at our office.
Dr. Botes is/was a founder member / chairman of the following medical related organizations, namely:
- The Boland Specialist Management Company (BSMC)
- The National Multi-discipline Specialists Network – SpesNet PTY (Ltd)
- The Sub-Acute Hospital Association of South Africa (SAHASA)
- Optenhosp Sub-Acute Hospital (OPTENHOSP)
- Boland Osteoporosis Centre (BOC)
Dr. Botes and his wife Elza have raised their four children, three sons and a daughter in Paarl. He enjoys good friendships, family life, outdoor and physical activities, camping, touring, reading, writing, sport, photography, art and farming activities.